Friday, July 18, 2014

Favorite/ meaning all/ memories

     Favorite memory from camp, ummm hello, ALL OF IT!!!! Honestly though it was all the new, and renewed, bonds and connections with my fellow tech trekers.

The week was so wonderful i can't pin point any single moment about anything. It was all too amazing. The classes were fantastic. The girls was fabulous, fooooood amazing. And most importantly, the memories forever.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day two, being a tech treker =P

 Today's core class: Life science. FUNNEST THING EVER!!! We extracted DNA and solved multiple crimes involving finger, lip, and dental prints. It was quite awesome.

 My first workshop was Exploring Architecture. I cant decide if i want to join the field or something of the sort with architecture, but it was really fun and I'm excited for more to learn.

 My other workshop was soil science. It was pretty cool, I'm not planning on becoming a soil scientist though...

 Over all the day was fun, I'm looking forward to playing this game, hunger games, after dinner tonight! Wish me luck! and may the odds be ever in your favor!

Day One: Just getting started

     So we are taking core classes, today I had mathematics... The professor, Ms. Vickie, was very sweet. We started out "walking the number line". It wasn't my favorite, because I have done this many times before in previous grades. I loved building a crazy geometric sculptor with two amazing girls!

 My first workshop today was LED cards. I found a picture of golem so i HAD to find a ring to match! It was pretty funny... =D

 I also did sustainability and engineering. They were mainly giving us a huge commercial for their branch of engineering, but the activity was really fun. We had to create a poster about what we wanted to change to the world in the near future. So easily our list was long and huge...

 End of my first good day!